Commitment "we go green!"


ASTAG and the Marquis Group, as a member of the Drainage Technology Specialist Group, have been committed for years to transports with trucks, small flushers and auxiliary units that are as environmentally and climate-friendly as possible. By 2030, CO2 emissions from road transport are to be reduced by 50% compared to 1990 and significantly in the long term!

This goal is anchored in a climate resolution of ASTAG from 2021. ASTAG and thus also the Marquis Group are thus acting in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement and the climate strategy of the Federal Council: "we go green!"

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Marquis AG Kanalservice
Wölferstrasse 15, 4414 Füllinsdorf

T 061 717 17 17

Kembserweg 1, 4055 Basel
Araweg 5, 4222 Zwingen

Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe

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